البحث في فهارس المكتبة:


The Holy City of Karbala, Safar 1440 – The Department of Islamic Studies and Research of The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (as) jointly with The Batool [s] Foundation, are humbled and honoured to launch The Warith Magazine in the English language. Like it’s Arabic language counterpart it has set out to educate and inform people about the universal personality that is Imam Hussain (as) and the Immaculate Household of The Holy Prophet (saw). The inaugural issue is dedicated to The Master of The Age (atf).

Muhammad Yasin Devji, Director General, The Batool [s] Foundation:

‘The term ‘al-Warith’ that is used to refer to Imam Hussain [s] means that he is the inheritor of all the Prophets and as such manifested within this holy personality are the messages of all those that came before him. It also means that Imam Hussain [s] represents virtues that are universal and transcend all religious, ethnic and racial boundaries. In fact such is Imam Hussain’s universality that he even transcends time itself. It is our hope to be able to tap into this universality and present the many facets of Imam Hussain [s] and his message to not only his followers and lovers, but to all of humanity.’



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