– by: The Department of Islamic Studies and Research of The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (as) jointly with The Batool [s] Foundation
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
By the grace of God, we humbly present to the Imam of our time, the fifth issue of The Warith Magazine. This is the first issue of the new year and we are blessed that its release is in the holy month of Rajab and coincides with the birth of Imam Ali (as), our first Imam.
Rajab is one of the greatest months of the year. It is described in a narration of the Holy Prophet (saw) as the month in which there is an abundant outpouring and flow of Allah’s mercy for the believers. This is also the month of Ameerul-Mo’mineen, as our first Imam was born on its 13th day. The last days of this month hold significance due to the commencement of the prophetic mission (27th day) and lastly, Imam Hussain (as) left Madina for Makkah, thus beginning his ultimate journey of sacrifice on the 28th day of this month.
In this issue our contributors, by considering the special relationship of this month to the abovementioned infallibles, have humbly chosen to present something from the lives of these holy personalities (as). There is an article that looks at one of the most significant attributes of the Holy Prophet (saw) and its relation to the prophetic mission. Our second article offers a practical glimpse into the life of Imam Ali (as) by presenting him as a role model forfathers.
The final article in this issue is the first part of a two-part series that looks to emphasize the parallels between Imam Hussain (as) and Prophet Yahya (as).
Lastly, as always, we finish the issue off with a beautiful poem and some questions and answers.
Many hands have worked together to bring this issue to fruition. I would like to thank our content contributors, editors, artists, designers, and The Batool Foundation for their contributions.
Syed Hussain Ali
Editor of The Warith Magazine