البحث في فهارس المكتبة:

The Warith Magazine Issue 7

– by: The Department of Islamic Studies and Research of The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (as) jointly with The Batool [s] Foundation


In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
By the grace of God, we humbly present to the Imam of our time, the seventh issue of The Warith Magazine.

As the world continues to cope with the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are experiencing unforeseen changes to many things that we have become accustomed to for the past several years. One such change was our inability to gather en masse for this year’s Arbaeen pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (as). For many of us who could not visit our master in person, we took solace in the fact that he is neither limited by space, nor time, and that the flame of his love burns in our hearts wherever we are. In this issue we look to rekindle the joy of the Ziarat of Imam Hussain (as) by addressing different topics with regards to this sacred pilgrimage and his holy personality.
Our first article reflects on the virtues of Imam Hussain (as), especially his patience as a source of overcoming tribulations. The second article focuses on Pilgrimage and gives a brief understanding of the uniqueness of the Ziarat-texts for Imam Hussain (as).

Our final article talks about colour and how it can be a source of division, yet under the banner of Imam Hussain (as) we are all one colour.

Lastly, we have a wonderful poem that commemorates the passing of our Holy Prophet (saw) and shows how all the infallible’s are a reflection of his sacred being.

As always, we finish the issue off with some questions and answers.Many hands have worked together to bring this issue to fruition, and we hope it can be a source of inspiration for all that are struggling in these challenging times.

I would like to thank our content contributors, editors, artists, designers, and The Batool Foundation for their contributions.

Syed Hussain Ali
Editor of The Warith Magazine


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