– by: The Department of Islamic Studies and Research of The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (as) jointly with The Batool [s] Foundation
In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.By the grace of God, we humbly present to the Imam of our time, the sixth issue of The Warith Magazine.
In the current global atmosphere of self-isolation and social distancing, many people are becoming frustrated and losing hope due to the challenges that have emerged. In face of such hardships it is imperative for us to remember the most beautiful connection to the Ahlul Bayt that we have been granted by God. In times of difficulty, we are always able to refer back to the great struggle of our master Imam Hussain (as) and recognize that whatever adversity we may face cannot compare to his matchless sacrifice. With that in mind, this issue looks to enliven our remembrance of Imam Hussain (as) by addressing various topics with regards to his holy personality.This time our contributors have presented different aspects from the life of Imam Hussain (as) and his revolution.
Our first article is a reflection on the difficulties we are facing in todays world and how Imam Hussain (as) can be used as a source of inspiration.The second article focuses on the inimitable nature of the movement of Karbala and its effectiveness as opposed to other revolutions. Our final article is the conclusion to the two-part series emphasizing the parallels between Imam Hussain (as) and Prophet Yahya (as).Lastly, we have a beautiful poem that focuses on the hope in God’s beneficence that inspires us to get through our struggles in these days. As always, we finish the issue off with some questions and answers.
Many hands have worked together to bring this issue to fruition, and we hope it can be a source of inspiration for all that are struggling in these challenging times.
I would like to thank our content contributors, editors, artists, designers, and The Batool Foundation for their contributions.
Syed Hussain Ali
Editor of The Warith Magazine
